Jason Jones is a 21 year old from Bridgeport, WV who has been actively seeking work in the area. Until starting his employment with Marshall’s on August 17th, Jason never had a full-time job. Jason experiences traumatic brain injury he received from a car accident, causing permanent nerve damage on the right side of his body. According to Jason, "I now walk with a limp and have an uncontrollable shaking in my right arm." Lacking a vehicle and reliable transportation, one of Jason’s biggest barriers to employment has been finding a job close to his residence that matches his skill set. Approaching job searching in the traditional way of filling out applications has resulted in many closed doors and apparent dead ends. In Jason’s own words “Employers just didn’t seem to want to take a chance on hiring me. I wanted to prove to employers how valuable of an asset I can be to their company, but it’s so hard to do that by just filling out an application.” Instead of focusing on his limitations, Jason is now finding ways to break through the barriers using his strengths. Jason excels in interacting with people. Through his eyes, a roomful of strangers isn’t intimidating at all. Rather, it is a golden opportunity for Jason to meet and share his story with new people.
Since teaming up with Job Squad, Jason has been exploring new ways to “slip through the crack in the door” and demonstrate his many talents to prospective employers. Where the job application process only seemed to highlight his weaknesses, Jason is now approaching his job search in new and creative ways. Jason makes a habit of speaking to as many managers and workers as he can when he visits any store, hoping to create a positive, memorable, and lasting impression. That way, the application becomes more of a formality than an official part of the hiring process. The job opening at Marshall’s came about through a temporary job service program that gives Jason a chance to gain valuable work experience and showcase his strengths in ways that a job application and resume could not do. At the end of the work period, Jason will have an opportunity to stay on at Marshall’s or continue his job search elsewhere. Either way, he has gained valuable experience in the workplace and customer service realm, greatly increasing his chances of finding future employment in the community.