Thursday, December 29, 2011

Micro-Loan is Jerry's "Ticket-to-Work"

Jerry just landed a management position with the Hair Cuttery of Charles Town, West Virginia.

(click on photo to watch interview)
After being unemployed for over 10 years, he is happy to be back working in the profession he loves.

Jerry’s career in cosmetology spans over a decade. He has worked in hi-end salons from the suburbs of Washington D.C. to the sunny beaches of Florida. One of the high points of his career was running his own styling salon on Hilton Head Island in South Carolina.

But then a decision to join the armed forces led to some unusual experiences. Jerry served alongside Special Forces who were in arctic combat training while stationed in Alaska. His health was at its peak when he decided to leave the service. Not long afterward, Jerry developed a condition necessitating double hip replacement surgery. Resultant complications left him with excruciating pain that was unmanageable. In this condition employment seemed completely out of the question.

In 2010, while undergoing therapy at the Martinsburg VA Medical Center he met Laura and fell in love. After being happily married for almost a year Jerry decided it was time to try going back to work. After considering a number of employment possibilities he came to the conclusion that going back into cosmetology was his best shot.

The biggest barrier Jerry had in returning to the profession was financial. He knew that he was eligible for using a Social Security work incentive called Ticket-to-Work. Locating Job Squad through the Employment Network listings in West Virginia he made a call.

After explaining how the “Ticket” program works, the question was asked: “What do you need to return to work?” After a few minutes Jerry had a mental list of things which included: one of the latest editions Milady’s Standard Cosmetology (around $100); a mannequin for taking the state cosmetology license exam; a set of professional quality clippers, trimmers, and edgers (starting around $1,000 and going to the many thousands of $s); a custom built stool that would give him the need support without aggravating his pain; and the fee for exam, license, and travel expenses. It all conservatively totaled a little over $2,000. After being out of the profession for over 15 years Jerry only had his extensive experience. He needed to start over with getting his professional license and equipment.

Job Squad has a micro-loan fund that is available to persons who have a critical barrier standing between them and employment. Arrangements were made for Jerry to receive a loan. After a year of hard work, he passed his cosmetology exam on the first try with flying colors. But on top of that, after his interview with the Hair Cuttery, a well established company with over 1,000 salons nationwide, Jerry was offered a management position.

Congratulations on your successful return to the Cosmetology profession. Job Squad wishes you future success in pursuit of your dreams.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Document Destruction Assistant

Derek has been working at Wesleyan College in Buckhannon, WV since April 1,2011. I had the privileged to begin working with Derek as his career counselor in September 2010. Derek previously worked for 21 years in a local sheltered workshop. Other than the sheltered workshop he had no other employment history. Derek has been very lucky to have strong family support.We was fortunate to use his family and social networks for the development of his work site.Derek was very persuasive with his desire to be an employee of the college, where both of his parents had retired. Initially we worked with the WV Department of Rehabilitation Services to develop a suitable work training program. We contemplated the possibility of writing a PASS, use of an IRWE, or resource ownership were tools discussed but the college was in favor of hiring Derek as a temporary,part time employee. Derek was hired for 750 hours at minimum wage. This particular employment venture has given him the opportunity to make new friends and to develop working relationships with his co-workers. Derek was given the title of a " Document Destruction Assistant". With such a strong title came the responsibility of shredding sensitive documents and forms for the college. Derek initially received 100% job coaching but his performance enabled us to fade in September 2011. Derek is a hard worker, and he has the ability of staying focused and precise. Derek's smile and enthusiasm has been a wonderful addition for the staff at Wesleyan college.

Sandy Marfield

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A job of her own

Angela has been working at the Morgantown Early Learning Facility (ELF) for the past four years. Angela has been receiving job coaching assistance from Job Squad from the beginning. Angela’s job duties include: ensuring the children are safe during playtime outside, prepping for lunch, preparing tooth brushes following meals, meal clean up, activity initiation while indoors and outdoors, nap prep/back rubs, and other general day care duties. Angela has been working three days a week for 5 hours per day. Over the past four years Angela has gained the experience and the confidence to complete all of her job duties independently. For the past year, Angela’s Job Coach, has been encouraging ELF administrators and Angela’s Title XIX Waiver team to begin job coach fading, because Angela no longer requires assistance with her job duties. Angela’s Supported Employment Team with Job Squad has been on board with job coach fading from the beginning. Angela’s family has also been open to job coach fading once Angela proved that she is able to complete her duties on her own.
This summer Angela’s Job Coach spoke with the Administrators of ELF and it was agreed that Angela should begin job coach fading immediately. Evidently the new administrators are greatly impressed with Angela’s work. She has been hailed as one of the best employees at ELF. Not only is Angela approved for job coach fading but she will also increase her hours of work per week. By the end of June Angela is now totally independent at ELF. She receives only transportation support from Job Squad. Angela is working Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday’s from 11am-4:30pm. Her summer hours increase as her schedule allows.
Angela has been a success of her own making. Through hard work and determination she has proved her worth as an important member of the team at ELF. Congratulations to Angela!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

2011 PASS Update: $180,516,000 (About $181 Million!) Still Available Yearly for WV Economic Development

In December 2010, there were 25,788 individuals in West Virginia receiving both SSI and SSDI benefits. Click here for the very similar 2010 version of this post and here for the 2009 version of this post, which briefly describes the "perfect Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS) potential" of SSI/SSDI beneficiaries. The average PASS totals about $7,000/year, which means that there is potentially $180,516,000 available for these beneficiaries to use towards a work goal.

Some West Virginia PASSes:

Resource Ownership
Self-Employment (still in negotiations with PASS Cadre)
Determining a Vocational Goal

Over the life of these PASSes (assuming the self-employment PASS will be approved), over $90,000 of additional resources will be set aside by these individuals for use towards a work goal.

In the Iowa New Entrepreneurs video, below, Nic and Lori both used PASS to help fund their business start-ups.