I was hoping I could write a guest blog on your website (http://jobsquadinc.blogspot.com/), with an article related to your site, I believe this will be of interest to your readers.
The article will be 100% original, written just for your blog and will not be posted elsewhere. Of course this will be completely free for you, however I would appreciate a live link back to our site. If you're interested in this idea, please get back to me.
I would like to add one more thing, I will promote the content on social networking sites which will help the post to get traffic and serp ranking.. If you are looking for li--nk swap from a high page rank site, let me know I can go for that deal too which will be free..
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Thanks & regards, Emily Jones Email:- emily.jones025@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI was hoping I could write a guest blog on your website (http://jobsquadinc.blogspot.com/), with an article related to your site, I believe this will be of interest to your readers.
The article will be 100% original, written just for your blog and will not be posted elsewhere. Of course this will be completely free for you, however I would appreciate a live link back to our site. If you're interested in this idea, please get back to me.
I would like to add one more thing, I will promote the content on social networking sites which will help the post to get traffic and serp ranking.. If you are looking for li--nk swap from a high page rank site, let me know I can go for that deal too which will be free..
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Thanks & regards,
Emily Jones
Email:- emily.jones025@gmail.com