Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Making Connections builds a solid path to employment.

Rodney Bowers is not a first time job seeker.  He had been employed through a sheltered workshop and also through a large corporate chain store but he knew there was something more for him out there.  Networking and making connections with the job seeker is essential to gaining access to local business owners.  With the help from a connection to a local business owner, Rodney has been able to reach the first milestone, for a long term dream.   This is to work in the trucking industry.  He has envisioned a long term goal as a truck driver; however, this takes extensive training and knowledge of the trucking industry.  Without connections in this field, little to no experience can be a great barrier for many people.  Rodney has a chance to reach many of his dreams in this area.  He has recently been hired by Connor’s Trucking, a locally owned family trucking company.  He has to prove his worth and his grit to become a shop apprentice.  Through hands of training Rodney will be able to learn mechanical skills that will  provide extensive building blocks to get him closer to his long term goal as a truck driver.  The first steps are usually the hardest, learning the tricks of the trade and showing one’s worth as an integral part of the shop team.  Rodney is on the right path to lead him to his ultimate goal.  He works five days a week receiving the hands of training he needs to become knowledgeable of the skills and responsibilities associated with working in the trucking industry.  Attached is a video of Rodney using a power wire brush so he can remove the paint from the fork lift so he can prime and paint it.

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