Monday, December 14, 2009

Our Interns

Two graduate students, Misty Merrifield and Sommer Bland (pictured left) in the WVU Rehabilitation Counseling department interned at JSI for their fall semester. They are expected two graduate next May. Misty's previous intern experience was at the Center for Independent Living. Sommer's intern experience has been with Family Services of Marion and Harrison counties.

Initially Misty's intention was to work in the prison system to help rehabilitate inmates, before their release into society as a way to lessen recidivism. Her work at North Central West Virginia Center for Independent Living opened her eyes to an entire different population of people. She worked as an independent contractor to help people, who experience these barriers to work to be more involved with their community as a whole.

Sommer's experience in this has been more personal. After her grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, she wanted to find ways to help people use resources that would make their lives easier.

They will graduate May 2010, and we're happy to have them as an addition to our team!

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